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来源: 发布时间:2022-02-25

姓名:刘泱杰         职称:副教授

EMAIL: yangjie@hubu.edu.cn  






主讲课程(中英双语):(本科)电动力学、激光原理与技术、电工学与电子线路(物理大类)、Engineering Math(全英文)、电磁场与电磁波、信号与线性系统、工科复变函数、工科数理方程与特殊函数、应用光学、薄膜光学、Fourier光学;(研究生)现代光学基础与前沿。







2009  新加坡南洋理工大学助研,

2013  华南师范大学访问学者,

2013-2014 苏州大学物理学院访问学生,

2014-2016 伦敦女王玛丽大学博士后,

2017 杭州电子科技大学副研究员,

2017-2022 湖北大学物电学院副教授,

2023 兰州大学理论物理中心访问学者,

2023-2024 中国科学技术大学物理学院访问学者,

2023-至今 湖北大学物理学院副教授。


IOP Associate Member, OPTICA Member, APS member, 中国物理学会CPS正式会员;担任如下期刊审稿人:Optics Letters, Optics Express, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Applied Optics; Elsevier Optics Communications, Applied Physics B, Physica Scripta; AIP Journal of Applied Physics, Physics of Plasmas, Physics of Fluids, AIP Advances; IOP trusted reviewer-New Journal of Physics, Journal of Optics, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Journal of Physics B, Journal of Physics CommunicationsIEEE Antennas and Wave Propagation Letter, Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation.


2007 华中科技大学优秀毕业生,

2015 Travel grant for Siegman International School on Laser, hosted by Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, at Amberg Germany,

2017 Best Paper Award: Distinguished Paper Author by IEEE APS, Beijing Jiaotong Univ., The 7th IEEE International Symposium on MAPE.


在人工微纳超材料、变换光学、Cherenkov辐射和光子晶体方面从事理论和计算研究,先后受到国家自然科学基金、湖北省科技厅基金、新加坡教育部科学基金(MOE-AcRF-T2),英国工程物理科学基金(EPSRC)项目, Newton科研基金(British Council-Newton Fund Research Link Grant), 英国数学学会(LMS)、英国物理学会(IOP)辅助经费和美国光学学会(OSA)会议资助。


[31] W. Lv, J. Zhou, Y. Liu*, L. Xu*, Non-Euclidean conformal devices with continuously varying refractive index profiles based on bi-spheres, Phys. Rev. A 109, 063506 (2024).

[30] Z.K. Xiong, Z.L. Wang, Y. Liu*, M. Wen, and B. Zhou, Transverse spin decomposition of structured vector fields, submitted to Phys. Rev. A (2024).

[29] Y. Wu, D. Zhang, Q. Li, H. Lin*, X. Shi, J. Xiong, H. Hu, J. Tian, Y. Liu* and B. Wu, Asymmetric absorption near the exceptional point of 3D metamaterial, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (2024).

[28] B. Chen, Y. Liu*, D. He, H. Chen, K. Huang* and X. Lu, Three-dimensional angular deviation and diffraction efficiency of a grating in Littrow-configuration ECDL, Optics and Laser Technology 170, 110293 (2024). 二类

[27] Y. Ren, H. Lin*, R. Zhou, X. Shi, J. Jin and Y. Liu*, A topological gap waveguide based on unidirectional locking of pseudo-spins, J. Appl. Phys. 134, 123106 (2023),  

[26] S. Lu, H. Weng, M. Dai, B. Zhang, Z. Xu, H. Gu, Y. Liu, Y. Li and K. Peng*, Dynamic 3D phase shifting profilometry based on corner optical flow algorithm, Appl. Opt. 62, 6447 (2023).  

[25] R. Zhou, M. Chen*, X. Shi, Y. Ren, Z. Yu, Y. Tian, Y. Liu and H. Lin*, “Protected transverse electric waves in Topological dielectric waveguides, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 72, 2058 (2023), DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2023.3336978.

[24] Z. Li, H. Lin*, R. Tang*, H. Chen, J. Tang, R. Zhou, J. Jin and Y. Liu, “Coherent perfect absorber and laser induced by directional emissions in the non-Hermitian photonic crystals”, Opt. Express (2023).  

[23] Y. Tian, R. Zhou, Z. Liu, Y. Liu*, H. Lin* and B. Zhou, Breakdown of topological phases due to periodic perturbation in a gyromagnetic photonic crystals, rejected by Phyics Letter A, IET Optoelectronics 17, 249, arXiv:2303.04967v1 (2023).  

[22] Q. Shen, C. Gu, M. Li, X. Zhang, Y. Liu*, L. Jin, M. Wen and Z. Wei, Role played by port drains in a Maxwell fisheye lens, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 5 (40), arXiv:2301.10390v3 (2023). 二类

[21]  H. Xiong*, Z. He, and Y. Liu, Design of cycloidal rays in optical waveguides in analogy to the fastest descending problem, rejected by Opt. Lett., transferred to Optics Continuum, 2, 1763 arXiv:2211.01225 (2022).

[20]  Z. Yu, R. Zhou, H. Lin*, Z. Li, Y. Liu* and X. Shi, Topological valley crystals in a photonic Su–Schrieffer–Heeger (SSH) variant, Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 163101, arxiv:2208.09248v3, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0107211(2022).

[19] Z. Li, H. Lin*, R. Zhou, X. Shi, Z. Yu, Y. Liu, J. Wu, R. Tang*, A low-loss zero-index photonic crystal slab based on toroidal dipole mode, Optics Express 30 (14) 25544 (2022).

[18]  R. Zhou, H. Lin*, Y. Wu, Z. Li, Z. Yu, Y. Liu*, and D.-H. Xu, “Higher-order valley vortices enabled by synchronized rotation in a photonic crystal,” Photonics Research, 10 (5): 1244, https://doi.org/10.1364/PRJ.452598 (2022).

[17] S. Zhang*, Y. Liu, Y. Ma, H. Wang, Y. Zhao, M. Kuntner, and D. Li, “A novel catapult mechanism for male spiders to avoid sexual cannibalism,” Current Biology, 32, R341-R359 (2022).

[16] Y. Mao, Y. Liu*, and H. Lin*, "Angular momenta in fields from a rotational mechanical antenna," IOP Journal of Physics Communications 5 (12), 125012 (2021).

[15] J. Zhang, J. Zeng*, Y. Liu, Y. Dong, and J. Wang*, "Fundamental challenges induced by phase modulation inaccuracy and optimization guidelines of geometric phase metasurfaces with broken rotation symmetry," Optics Express 29 (21) (2021).

[14] R. Zhou, H. Lin*, Y. Liu(刘泱杰)*, X. Shi, R. Tang, Y. Wu, and Z. Yu, "Topological edge states of Kekulé-type photonic crystals induced by a synchronized rotation of unit cells," Physical Review A (R)104 (3) (2021).

[13] Y. Liu*, S. Tang, H. Shi, J. Zhao, W. Wang, and B. Zhou, "Dielectric approximation media to reproduce dispersion for field transformation," Applied Optics 59, 7613 (2020).二类

[12] R. Yan, J. Yang, Y. Yang, X. Tu, T. Huang, M. F. Ge, Y. Liu*, and C. Song*, "Cloaking object on an optofluidic chip: its theory and demonstration," Optics Express 28 (12), 18283-18295 (2020).

[11] R. Yan, Y. Yang, X. Tu, T. Huang, Y. Liu, and C. Song*, “Optofluidic light routing via analytically configuring streamlines of microflow,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 23:101 (2019).

[10] H. Huang, Y. Liu*, Simulation of the Space-Charge-Limited Current Density for Time-Variant Pulsed Injection. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 47, 3631-3635 (2019). 三类

[9] A. Yan, Y. Liu*, and W. Wang, "Case study: A simple optical inverse problem from a geometrical optics point of view," Journal of Advanced Dielectrics 1950019 (2019).

[8] J. Liu*, and Y. Liu(刘泱杰)*, “Ultrafast suspended self-biasing graphene modulator with ultrahigh figure of merit,” Opt. Commun. 427: 439 (2019).

[7] Y. Liu(刘泱杰)*, Q. Tang, B. Wu, Space-charge effect of the time-varying electron injection in a diode: Classical and relativistic regimes. Physics of Plasmas 24, 093512 (2017).  三类

[6] Y. Liu(刘泱杰)*, B. Vial, S.A.R. Horsley, T.G. Philbin and Y. Hao, Direct manipulation of wave amplitude and phase through inverse design of isotropic media, New Journal of Physics, 19, 073010(2017).

[5] H. Lin*, D. Yang, S. Han, Y. Liu, and H. Yang, Analog electromagnetically induced transparency for circularly polarized wave using three-dimensional chiral metamaterials, Optics Express, 24, 30068 (2016).

[4] B. Vial*, Y. Liu (刘泱杰), S.A.R. Horsley, T.G. Philbin, and Y. Hao, A class of invisible inhomogeneous media and the control of electromagnetic waves, Physical Review B 94(24), 245119 (2016).

[3] Y. Liu* and H. Chen*, Infinite Maxwell fisheye inside a finite circle, IOP Journal of Optics, 17(12), 125102 (2015).

[2]   Y. Liu and L. K. Ang*, Transition from ultrafast laser photo-electron emission to space charge limited current in a 1D gap, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47 (12), 125502 (2014).

[1] Y. Liu* and L. K. Ang*, Motion-induced radiation from electrons moving in Maxwell's fish-eye, Scientific Reports 3, 3065 (2013).

会议报告(since 2019)

[1]  Y. Liu*, B. Vial, Z. Mao, K. Peng, and B. Zhou, Controlling wave phases in curved space for light, PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium(PIERS), Hangzhou, 2021-11-21.

[2]  Y. Liu*, B. Vial, Z. Mao,K. Peng and B. Zhou, Controlling wave phases in curved space for light, Metamaterial Symposium, Nanjing, 2021-7-27.

[3]  S.Tang, Y. Liu*, and W. Wang, Discussion on dielectric approximation in field transformation, PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium(PIERS), Xiamen, 2019-12-19.


2017-至今 楚天学者人才配套经费[030-090105];

2018-2019 湖北省自然科学青年基金[2018CFB148],主持结题;

2019-2021 国家自然科学青年基金[NSFC11804087],“无散射、梯度电磁介质的反向设计研究”, 主持结题;

2021-至今 湖北省教育厅高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划,骨干成员;

2022-2023 兰州大学理论物理中心开放课题基金,“无反射介质的相位与时间特性研究”,主持结题;

2022-2025 湖北省科技厅创新团队项目,骨干成员;

2022-2025 湖北大学本科生院教学研究项目[030-017643],主持;

2022-2023 湖北大学校级创新训练本科生一般项目[X202210512039],“绝对仪器超分辨成像理论研究”,结题;

2023-2024 湖北省自然科学面上基金[2022CFB553],主持;

2023-2024 中西部高等学校青年骨干教师国内访问学者.

2024-2026 研究生院教学项目已立项,后资助.


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