在人工微纳超材料、变换光学、Cherenkov辐射和光子晶体方面从事理论和计算研究,先后受到国家自然科学基金、湖北省科技厅基金、新加坡教育部科学基金(MOE-AcRF-T2),英国工程物理科学基金(EPSRC)项目, Newton科研基金(British Council-Newton Fund Research Link Grant), 英国数学学会(LMS)、英国物理学会(IOP)辅助经费和美国光学学会(OSA)会议资助。
[31] W. Lv, J. Zhou, Y. Liu*, L. Xu*, Non-Euclidean conformal devices with continuously varying refractive index profiles based on bi-spheres, Phys. Rev. A 109, 063506 (2024). [30] Z.K. Xiong, Z.L. Wang, Y. Liu*, M. Wen, and B. Zhou, Transverse spin decomposition of structured vector fields, submitted to Phys. Rev. A (2024). [29] Y. Wu, D. Zhang, Q. Li, H. Lin*, X. Shi, J. Xiong, H. Hu, J. Tian, Y. Liu* and B. Wu, Asymmetric absorption near the exceptional point of 3D metamaterial, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (2024). [28] B. Chen, Y. Liu*, D. He, H. Chen, K. Huang* and X. Lu, Three-dimensional angular deviation and diffraction efficiency of a grating in Littrow-configuration ECDL, Optics and Laser Technology 170, 110293 (2024). 二类 [27] Y. Ren, H. Lin*, R. Zhou, X. Shi, J. Jin and Y. Liu*, A topological gap waveguide based on unidirectional locking of pseudo-spins, J. Appl. Phys. 134, 123106 (2023), [26] S. Lu, H. Weng, M. Dai, B. Zhang, Z. Xu, H. Gu, Y. Liu, Y. Li and K. Peng*, Dynamic 3D phase shifting profilometry based on corner optical flow algorithm, Appl. Opt. 62, 6447 (2023). [25] R. Zhou, M. Chen*, X. Shi, Y. Ren, Z. Yu, Y. Tian, Y. Liu and H. Lin*, “Protected transverse electric waves in Topological dielectric waveguides, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 72, 2058 (2023), DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2023.3336978. [24] Z. Li, H. Lin*, R. Tang*, H. Chen, J. Tang, R. Zhou, J. Jin and Y. Liu, “Coherent perfect absorber and laser induced by directional emissions in the non-Hermitian photonic crystals”, Opt. Express (2023). [23] Y. Tian, R. Zhou, Z. Liu, Y. Liu*, H. Lin* and B. Zhou, Breakdown of topological phases due to periodic perturbation in a gyromagnetic photonic crystals, rejected by Phyics Letter A, IET Optoelectronics 17, 249, arXiv:2303.04967v1 (2023). [22] Q. Shen, C. Gu, M. Li, X. Zhang, Y. Liu*, L. Jin, M. Wen and Z. Wei, Role played by port drains in a Maxwell fisheye lens, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 5 (40), arXiv:2301.10390v3 (2023). 二类 [21] H. Xiong*, Z. He, and Y. Liu, Design of cycloidal rays in optical waveguides in analogy to the fastest descending problem, rejected by Opt. Lett., transferred to Optics Continuum, 2, 1763 arXiv:2211.01225 (2022). [20] Z. Yu, R. Zhou, H. Lin*, Z. Li, Y. Liu* and X. Shi, Topological valley crystals in a photonic Su–Schrieffer–Heeger (SSH) variant, Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 163101, arxiv:2208.09248v3, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0107211(2022). [19] Z. Li, H. Lin*, R. Zhou, X. Shi, Z. Yu, Y. Liu, J. Wu, R. Tang*, A low-loss zero-index photonic crystal slab based on toroidal dipole mode, Optics Express 30 (14) 25544 (2022). [18] R. Zhou, H. Lin*, Y. Wu, Z. Li, Z. Yu, Y. Liu*, and D.-H. Xu, “Higher-order valley vortices enabled by synchronized rotation in a photonic crystal,” Photonics Research, 10 (5): 1244, https://doi.org/10.1364/PRJ.452598 (2022). [17] S. Zhang*, Y. Liu, Y. Ma, H. Wang, Y. Zhao, M. Kuntner, and D. Li, “A novel catapult mechanism for male spiders to avoid sexual cannibalism,” Current Biology, 32, R341-R359 (2022). [16] Y. Mao, Y. Liu*, and H. Lin*, "Angular momenta in fields from a rotational mechanical antenna," IOP Journal of Physics Communications 5 (12), 125012 (2021). [15] J. Zhang, J. Zeng*, Y. Liu, Y. Dong, and J. Wang*, "Fundamental challenges induced by phase modulation inaccuracy and optimization guidelines of geometric phase metasurfaces with broken rotation symmetry," Optics Express 29 (21) (2021). [14] R. Zhou, H. Lin*, Y. Liu(刘泱杰)*, X. Shi, R. Tang, Y. Wu, and Z. Yu, "Topological edge states of Kekulé-type photonic crystals induced by a synchronized rotation of unit cells," Physical Review A (R)104 (3) (2021). [13] Y. Liu*, S. Tang, H. Shi, J. Zhao, W. Wang, and B. Zhou, "Dielectric approximation media to reproduce dispersion for field transformation," Applied Optics 59, 7613 (2020).二类 [12] R. Yan, J. Yang, Y. Yang, X. Tu, T. Huang, M. F. Ge, Y. Liu*, and C. Song*, "Cloaking object on an optofluidic chip: its theory and demonstration," Optics Express 28 (12), 18283-18295 (2020). [11] R. Yan, Y. Yang, X. Tu, T. Huang, Y. Liu, and C. Song*, “Optofluidic light routing via analytically configuring streamlines of microflow,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 23:101 (2019). [10] H. Huang, Y. Liu*, Simulation of the Space-Charge-Limited Current Density for Time-Variant Pulsed Injection. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 47, 3631-3635 (2019). 三类 [9] A. Yan, Y. Liu*, and W. Wang, "Case study: A simple optical inverse problem from a geometrical optics point of view," Journal of Advanced Dielectrics 1950019 (2019). [8] J. Liu*, and Y. Liu(刘泱杰)*, “Ultrafast suspended self-biasing graphene modulator with ultrahigh figure of merit,” Opt. Commun. 427: 439 (2019). [7] Y. Liu(刘泱杰)*, Q. Tang, B. Wu, Space-charge effect of the time-varying electron injection in a diode: Classical and relativistic regimes. Physics of Plasmas 24, 093512 (2017). 三类 [6] Y. Liu(刘泱杰)*, B. Vial, S.A.R. Horsley, T.G. Philbin and Y. Hao, Direct manipulation of wave amplitude and phase through inverse design of isotropic media, New Journal of Physics, 19, 073010(2017). [5] H. Lin*, D. Yang, S. Han, Y. Liu, and H. Yang, Analog electromagnetically induced transparency for circularly polarized wave using three-dimensional chiral metamaterials, Optics Express, 24, 30068 (2016). [4] B. Vial*, Y. Liu (刘泱杰), S.A.R. Horsley, T.G. Philbin, and Y. Hao, A class of invisible inhomogeneous media and the control of electromagnetic waves, Physical Review B 94(24), 245119 (2016). [3] Y. Liu* and H. Chen*, Infinite Maxwell fisheye inside a finite circle, IOP Journal of Optics, 17(12), 125102 (2015). [2] Y. Liu and L. K. Ang*, Transition from ultrafast laser photo-electron emission to space charge limited current in a 1D gap, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47 (12), 125502 (2014). [1] Y. Liu* and L. K. Ang*, Motion-induced radiation from electrons moving in Maxwell's fish-eye, Scientific Reports 3, 3065 (2013).
会议报告(since 2019): [1] Y. Liu*, B. Vial, Z. Mao, K. Peng, and B. Zhou, Controlling wave phases in curved space for light, PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium(PIERS), Hangzhou, 2021-11-21. [2] Y. Liu*, B. Vial, Z. Mao,K. Peng and B. Zhou, Controlling wave phases in curved space for light, Metamaterial Symposium, Nanjing, 2021-7-27. [3] S.Tang, Y. Liu*, and W. Wang, Discussion on dielectric approximation in field transformation, PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium(PIERS), Xiamen, 2019-12-19.
2017-至今 楚天学者人才配套经费[030-090105]; 2018-2019 湖北省自然科学青年基金[2018CFB148],主持结题; 2019-2021 国家自然科学青年基金[NSFC11804087],“无散射、梯度电磁介质的反向设计研究”, 主持结题; 2021-至今 湖北省教育厅高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划,骨干成员; 2022-2023 兰州大学理论物理中心开放课题基金,“无反射介质的相位与时间特性研究”,主持结题; 2022-2025 湖北省科技厅创新团队项目,骨干成员; 2022-2025 湖北大学本科生院教学研究项目[030-017643],主持; 2022-2023 湖北大学校级创新训练本科生一般项目[X202210512039],“绝对仪器超分辨成像理论研究”,结题; 2023-2024 湖北省自然科学面上基金[2022CFB553],主持; 2023-2024 中西部高等学校青年骨干教师国内访问学者. 2024-2026 研究生院教学项目,已立项,后资助.