主持科研项目: 波谱与原子分子物理国家重点实验室开放课题 “分子阿秒角度条纹相机实验中的分子结构效应研究”
代表论文: [1] ZL Xiao, W Quan*, SG Yu, XY Lai, XJ Liu*, ZR Wei* and J Chen*, “Nonadiabatic strong field ionization of noble gas atoms in elliptically polarized laser pulses” Optics Express 30, 14874 (2022). [2] ZL Xiao, W Quan*, SP Xu, SG Yu, YL Wang, M Zhao, MZ Wei, Y Zhou, XY Lai, J Chen* and XJ Liu*, “Coulomb potential influence in the attoclock experimental scheme” Chinese Optics Letters 18, 010201 (2020).(Editor's Pick) [3] ZL Xiao, W Quan*, SP Xu, SG Yu, XY Lai, J Chen* and XJ Liu*, “Nonadiabatic and Multielectron Effects in the Attoclock Experimental Scheme” Chinese Physics Letters 37(4), 043201 (2020).(Editor's Pick) [4] 全威, 肖智磊, 陈永菊, 许松坡, 赖炫扬, 华林强, 龚成, 陈京*, 柳晓军*, “少周期飞秒激光场下Ne原子的非顺序双电离” 中国科学 47, 033007 (2017). [5] 肖智磊, 全威*, 许松坡, 柳晓军, 魏政荣*, 陈京*, “中红外激光场下阈上电离能谱中的低能结构” 物理学报 71(23), 233208 (2022). [6] 赵猛, 全威*, 肖智磊, 许松坡, 王志强, 王明辉, 成思进, 吴文卓, 王艳兰, 赖炫扬, 柳晓军*, “强激光场驱动Ar原子电离中的隧穿延时” 物理学报 71(23), 233203 (2022). (封面文章) [7] SP Xu, W Quan*, YJ Chen, ZL Xiao, YL Wang, HP Kang, LQ Hua, C Gong, XY Lai, XJ Liu*, XL Hao, SL Hu and J Chen, “Long-range Coulomb effect in above-threshold ionization of Ne subject to few-cycle and multicycle laser fields” Physical Review A 95, 063405 (2017). [8] MZ Wei, W Quan*, RP Sun, SP Xu, ZL Xiao, Y Zhou, M Zhao, XL Hao, CX Duan and XJ Liu, “Two-center interference effect in ionization of diatomic molecules subject to close-to-circularly-polarized femtosecond laser fields” Physical Review A 98, 063418 (2018). [9] SP Xu, MQ Liu, SL Hu, Z Shu, W Quan*, ZL Xiao, Y Zhou, MZ Wei, M Zhao, RP Sun, YL Wang, LQ Hua, C Gong, XY Lai, J Chen and XJ Liu*, “Observation of a transition in the dynamics of strong-field atomic excitation” Physical Review A 102, 043104 (2020). |